An orchestration layer that sits on top of social media
Faveeo automates the discovery of trusted business content by finding and following the most reliable sources.
Adding trust, expertise and diversity back into your media diet
We use AI to identify and extract the most interesting content from trusted thought leaders to automatically publish to our readers in B2B newsletters
Read what the experts are reading
- 750,000+ business leaders read Essentials newsletters weekly
- 32 business topics covered
- 30%+ average and up to 50% Open Rate
- Average Essentials user subscribes to 4+ topics
- Adding 60k+ Users monthly from accelerated acquisition
- On track to reach 1 million users by end of 2021

Essentials Newsletters cover 6 key
business-critical topic families
AI Essentials
audience 405000.
Cybersecurity Essentials
audience 82000.
Sustainability Essentials
audience 112000.
Essentials - Future of Work
audience 53000.
Essentials - Future of Money
audience 53000.
Essentials - Emerging Technology
audience 45000.
Sponsors we are proud to partner with

Changing the media landscape, one newsletter at a time
Faveeo experienced tremendous growth, both in audience size and revenues. We will capitalize on our success to expand further in 2022 and beyond.